July 10, 2016

It's an interesting thing putting down roots somewhere. I think, overall, the process was very organic for A and I. After having lived in North Carolina for nearly three years it was clear that New England was where we were meant to be. It's where we were born, it's where we grew up, where we fell in love... It's where our families live and it's where we want to raise our children. 

Even though both of us had only been to Maine a handful of times we decided it was the place we wanted to settle down. There is something about the rocky shores and moody sea that really draws me in. I find it peaceful to walk barefoot on the beach, watching my footprints fade into the waves while the taste of the salty air lingers on my lips. 

And then, of course, there are the beautiful mountains. Life without mountains would be so unfortunate, I think. Being surrounded by pine trees, inhaling their deep, earthy scent is something my soul craves. Life without mountains is not a life I choose. 

So there you have it! Maine happens to be a lovely marriage of the two. Maine makes sense.

P.S. Hello blog world- it's good to be back!

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